Paper A Cooperative Project to Create GIS Agricultural Field Boundary Databases in the State of California

Author: Jeff A. Milliken
Organization: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone: (916) 978-5267
Fax: (916) 978-5292

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, in cooperation with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, County of Yolo Department of Agriculture, and California Department of Water Resources, is beginning a project to create GIS agricultural field boundary databases throughout California. The first database will be created with the County of Yolo Department of Agriculture.

The relational database will allow a variety of users to share field-level land use information such as pesticide applications and current land use categories. The database will also enhance applications such as remote sensed-based change detection in and adjacent to agricultural areas, and analysis of the agricultural and urban interface.