Paper Watershed Analysis Tool for Environmental Resources: GIS Technology in the New Millennium

Author: Joshua H. Viers
Organization: Information Center for the Environment

One Shields Avenue
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: 530-754-6051
Fax: 530-752-3350

The Information Center for the Environment (ICE), University of California, Davis, is currently developing a decision support system for State resource agencies in California. ICE is using the latest in Esri GIS to provide resource managers critical environmental data. ICE is developing a desktop application with embedded GIS to facilitate watershed analysis. This tool incorporates readily available GIS data such as biotic occurrences and distributions, hydrography, geomorphology, and so on. Other relevant data is task specific such as staff reports, water quality matrices, and site location photographs. This tool will provide a technological precedent for natural resource managers and the attainment of conservation priorities.