Paper Mapping the Farm--I Never Realized We Had Seven Springs

Author: William Heasom
Organization: Rodale Institute Experimental Farm

611 Siegfriedale Rd.
Kutztown, PA 19530

Phone: 610-683-1449
Fax: 610-683-8548

The Rodale Institute Experimental Farm is a 330-acre certified organic research, teaching, and demonstration center. Anticipating 21st century environmental challenges, Anthony Rodale wishes to redesign the infrastructure and activities there. To better understand and communicate the potentials and constraints of the site, an assessment (of topography, soils, geology, flora, fauna, hydrology, history, geographic context, etc.) is underway. A grant of software from ECP along with some serendipity and ingenuity have enabled us to create a series of publication-quality maps that make our research interesting and accessible to many--thus beginning to build community around our efforts.