Paper GIS at the Air Force Combat Climatology Center

Author: Michael F. Squires
Organization: AFCCC/DOC1

ROOM 120
ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-5002

Phone: (828) 271-4235
Fax: (828) 271-4334

The mission of the Air Force Combat Climatology Center (AFCCC) is to provide weather impact information to DoD and various intelligence agencies. AFCCC quality controls and archives worldwide weather observations, which are then used in customer-driven studies. GIS is used to visualize, manage, and analyze climate data. Visualization applications include the display and mapping of climate information. Data management applications include the development and modification of various databases that support AFCCC operations. Analysis applications include verifying output from a numerical model and displaying climate statistics stored in a relational database. GIS has become an integral component of AFCCC.