Paper Using ArcView GIS and ArcView Spatial Analyst for GIS Technology Transfer in the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP)

Author: Nupur Shankar
Organization: Averstar, Inc.

15094 NW Decatur Wy.
Portland, OR 97229

Phone: (503)808-2813
Fax: (503) 808-2622

The Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) is an interagency endeavor by the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service to devise a broad-scale management plan for the Columbia River basin. An interdisciplinary group of federal agency employees will act as regional coordinators during the implementation stage of the ICBEMP. Many people in this group do not have strong GIS skills or access to a GIS staff but need to get familiar with and use the ICBEMP GIS data. A CD-ROM containing ArcView GIS projects concentrating on different disciplines was created and distributed to this group. Each project had two versions, one having only vector data and the other having grid and vector data for use with ArcView Spatial Analyst. Along with canned views and layout templates, the projects contained linked data, metadata, tutorials, and instructions. Hence, a portable custom training package designed to support a variety of user skills and environments was created, without requiring an investment in a new set of tools.