Paper Landscape-Based Riparian Habitat Modeling for Amphibians and Reptiles Using ARC GRID and ArcView GIS

Author: Jacquelyn M. Strager
Organization: West Virginia University

P.O. Box 6108
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108

Phone: 304-293-4832 ex
Fax: 304-293-3752

The West Virginia Gap Analysis Project is currently mapping the predicted distribution of native wildlife species in the State. While most species are mapped using land cover maps from remotely sensed imagery, certain reptiles and amphibians rely on wetland or riparian habitat features that cannot be readily mapped from imagery. A separate model of riparian habitats is necessary to map these species. We created a model of these habitats using ARC GRID with stream hydrology, elevation, and slope. Species distributions were modeled in ArcView GIS using scripts that combine the individual species habitat requirement information, the riparian habitat model, and species ranges.