Paper Development of Generic, Reusable ActiveX Components Based on Esri's Open Development Environment (ODE)

Author: Timothy W. Miller
Organization: Lockheed Martin Information Systems

3605 132nd Avenue S.E.
Suite 400
Bellevue, WA 98006

Phone: 406-777-6939
Fax: 425-746-1335

Esri's ArcInfo Open Development Environment (ODE) provides a powerful and flexible alternative to developing custom applications with AML macros. Both ODE and AML environments execute the ArcInfo command line and provide access to AML functions and directives. Developing ODE applications, as with AMLs, requires a good understanding of ArcInfo and AML and may be difficult for others to develop and maintain. A generic set of ActiveX objects has been created that encapsulates ArcInfo GIS functionality into groups of classes/objects that promote ease of use for non-ArcInfo users, providing power and flexibility and promoting reuse.