Paper From Design Review Process to As-Builts Within a Water GIS

Author: Jerome Butler
Organization: Colorado Springs Utilities

30 South Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone: 719-668-8705
Fax: 719-448-8734

The Colorado Springs Utilities Water Resources Department is a City-owned water and wastewater utility, serving a population of approximately 430,000. This paper presents the steps involved beginning with water designs and ending with final geographic and attribute data referenced to as-built drawing images within the GIS. The water design is first referenced to the GIS by creating a polygon and assigning a pointer variable to an image of the water design drawing. This information is used along with a resource management system to help monitor the construction phase. All new water system features are located using decimeter-accuracy GPS. The GPS data along with notes from Water Department inspectors are used to update the GIS. The GIS data is exported and added as a layer on the design drawings to create an as-built image. The as-built is referenced back to the polygon in the GIS for later image retrieval.