Paper Analysis of Transmission Line Routing Alternatives with Multiple Scenarios

Author: Rod Fraser
Organization: Burns & McDonnell

9400 Ward Parkway
P.O. Box 419173
Kansas City, MO 64141-6173

Phone: 816-333-9400 54
Fax: 816-822-3463

Over 1,000 miles of alternative route segments were able to be analyzed in ArcInfo and ArcView GIS software's Geoprocessing wizard in an economical manner. Each line segment had one or more possible scenarios--parallel to an existing transmission line, double-circuit an existing line, relocate an existing line to new ROW, adjacent to road, railroad, or pipeline ROWs, or use new ROW--that required different ROW widths on each side of the line segment. Region buffers were created based on the scenarios, which were then intersected with the land cover and wetlands data and analyzed for the number of acres of new or existing ROW. The data was taken into Microsoft Access in order to create summary tables for each route.