Paper GIS in Public Health Care: Changing the Model

Author: Brad Tatham
Organization: Scientific Technologies Corporation

4400 E. Broadway Blvd. Suite 705
Tucson, AZ 85711

Phone: (520) 202-3333
Fax: (520) 202-3340

Geographic information systems in public health care are typically stand-alone systems within a protected network. Policy makers, such as the Communicable Desease Control (CDC), local health offices, or program coordinators, request printed maps for reports that are given to selected health officials. This model can be slow and laborious for everyone involved, leaving policy makers and related organizations without direct access to the spatially enabled data. MapDesigner resolves many of these problems through a multilayered GIS architecture that integrates desktop and Internet mapping. MapDesigner bridges the chasm between secure health care data and controlled public distribution of some of the inherent information.