Paper Analysis and Visualization of Spatial Data Using S-PLUS and ArcView GIS

Author: Silvia Vega
Organization: MathSoft Inc.

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Seattle, WA 98109

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The statistical analysis of spatial data involves its exploration, visualization, and modeling. It is essentially an interactive process. To work efficiently, the spatial data analyst must use an environment integrating data storage and retrieval, cartographic rendering, data visualization, and quantitative spatial modeling. The combination of ArcView GIS, S-PLUS for ArcView GIS, and S+SpatialStats provides an integrated environment with the required tools. I will demonstrate the spatial data analysis process on a number of applications taken from the environmental sciences, resource management, the natural sciences, and epidemiology. These examples use the powerful data visualization methods of hexagonal binning and trellis graphics and the unique capabilities of an integrated software environment for spatial data analysis. I will include real-world applications in "environmental justice," disease control, and so on.