Paper Using Commercial Fisheries and Marine Environmental Data in Assessing the Differential Distribution of Social Impacts of Marine Conservation and Development

Author: Michael A Downs
Organization: KEA Environmental, Inc.

1420 Kettner Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101

Phone: 619-233-1454
Fax: 619-233-0952

Marine conservation district planning in the U.S. Virgin Islands has provided an example of utilizing spatial data for the analysis of the differential distribution of social impacts resulting from establishing offshore conservation areas. The paper presents the lessons learned from that exercise, and then focuses on ongoing analysis of commercial fisheries and related socioeconomic impacts of development on California's continental shelf. Data regarding bathymetry, habitat, gear types, and harvest is integrated with data on the structure of various sectors of the fishery to facilitate an analysis of the magnitude, nature, and distribution of socioeconomic impacts resulting from offshore development.