Paper Using ArcView GIS Marine Spill Analysis System to Support the United States Navy Environmental Planning

Author: William, Jr. J Hanlon
Organization: PCCI

300 N. Lee Street
Suite 201
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: 703-684-2060
Fax: 703-684-5343

Naval Warfare Publication 4-11 (NWP 4-11) requires that an environmental annex (Annex L) be developed for a Navy operations order of operations plan. The purpose of Annex L is to ensure that Naval operations achieve success while maintaining the highest level of environmental protection and compliance. PCCI has created for the United States Navy an ArcView GIS system utilizing the Marine Spill Analysis System (MSAS) created by Esri that will help fleet planners create an Annex L. The resulting process provides fleet planners the ability to quickly and economically create an environmental analysis to support the Annex L development.