Paper Developing Automated Systems to Track False Alarms for Local Jurisdictions

Author: Ed Chicca
Organization: Public Safety Corporation

48015 Pine Hill Run Rd.
Lexington Park, MD 20653

Phone: 301 753-5600
Fax: 301 753-5604

CryWolf is a MapObjects-based, database-driven system to track alarm registrations and false alarm calls for local law enforcement. A new MapObjects-based application, CryWolf brings geospatial power to alarm tracking. CryWolf includes an administration module, which allows agencies to customize multiple program features such as clearance codes, letter formatting, and custom letterhead design. CryWolf also includes a data collection module for alarm companies, alarm registrations, and alarm call entry. CryWolf is designed to use enhanced TIGER data "shp" files for current jurisidiction and offers all mapping capabilities that all geospatial users expect.