

Custom Data Access with MapObjects - Java Edition
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): James Taylor, Derek Sedlmyer

Integrating data has always been a challenge with every IT application, especially GIS. GIS applications have many different data formats that are not ubiquitous among all GIS applications. Couple this with the DoD, which also has many data formats for data messaging and storage, and accessing data in a GIS quickly turns into a daunting task. MapObjects Java Edition was designed to allow developers to integrate custom data via their Content Provider Framework. Esri developed several Content Providers to access external data such as ArcIMS servers, ArcSDE, shapefiles, CAD files, and various raster and vector product files. This presentation will provide an in-depth tutorial on how to develop a Content Provider, show the Content Provider in action, and share lessons learned in implementation.

James Taylor
100 CTC Drive
Johnstown , PA PA
Phone: 814-269-6863
E-mail: taylorj@ctc.com

Derek Sedlmyer
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
100 CTC Drive
Johnstown , PA 15904
Phone: 814-269-6532
E-mail: sedlmyed@ctc.com

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