

Building a Future for and Labeling with Prenumbered Marker Symbols
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Jim Mossman

There are many pre-numbered/lettered highway symbol sets available for free download from ArcScripts. More sets could be created, but maintaining the existing ones is already a large burden. What will happen when these sets are no longer maintained? Application Coyote was developed to address this issue. Each application is a package of fonts, tables and executables. It moves part of the marker creation process into the end user domain, giving the user some control over the route numbers to be produced. This paper will discuss the pluses and minuses associated with that approach and how the application interfaces with ArcGIS. Coyote is a bit of a trickster and incorporates several features new to highway marker sets. The paper also discusses how to use marker symbols for labeling line features (some assembly required, batteries not included). As with the existing marker sets, Application Coyote packages are distributed free of charge.

Jim Mossman
Data Deja View
2113 8th Street
Cody , WY 82414
Phone: 307-587-6667
E-mail: ddvgis@bresnan.net

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