

A .NET ArcIMS Wrapper for the Rest of Us
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Justin White

One of the challenges of effectively using GIS in any organization is the fact that GIS is a highly specialized technology with its own set of technologies and terminologies. As a result, in order to GIS enable an application, one has to be proficient in Esri technologies which is a key barrier to widespread adoption of GIS within an organization. To break down the barrier, we have to make GIS tools more readily available to our application developers. To that end, we have designed a .NET component which hides most of the implementation details from the developer. .NET developers will simply drag a map component on to their Web page, add the layers they need and wire up code to user events such as a map selection. Because this component relies on a standard ArcIMS Service, a developer new to GIS can create a fully functional GIS application in minutes.

Justin White
City of Eugene
100 W 10TH AVE
EUGENE , OR 97401
Phone: 541-682-5857
E-mail: justin.b.white@ci.eugene.or.us

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