

Forecasting Stop-Level Ridership for Florida's Transit Systems
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Ike Ubaka, Rodney Bunner

Transit agencies in Florida often do not have the resources and staff available to implement large-scale travel demand modeling systems or collect and assemble the elaborate databases needed to support such systems. As a result, the Public Transit Office of the Florida Department of Transportation has been spearheading the development of transit demand forecasting models and transit systems planning tools for a wide variety of applications as part of its broader Transit Model Improvement Program. The culminating effort of this program is the Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool (T-BEST Arc). T-BEST Arc is an ArcGIS software-based program that provides comprehensive transit analysis and ridership forecasting. It is also capable of simulating travel demand at the individual stop-level while accounting for network connectivity, spatial and temporal accessibility, time-of-day variations, and route/stop competition and complementarity.

Ike Ubaka
Florida Department of Transportation
Public Transit Office
605 Suwannee Street, MS 26
Tallahassee , FL 32399
Phone: (850) 414-4532
E-mail: ike.ubaka@dot.state.fl.us

Rodney Bunner
Westlake Corporate Center Suite 150
9119 Corporate Lake Dr.
Tampa , FL Fl
Phone: 813-882-4366
Fax: 813-884-4609
E-mail: rbunner@geodecisions.com

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