

A Campus-Wide Geodatabase: Brick and Mortar of a University's GIS
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Katherine O'Brien

In the year 2000 funding for Phase I of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Capital Improvement Project was approved. Construction spending of $1.1 billion over an eight year period meant renovation and upgrades to existing buildings and utilities as well as construction of new facilities. The University's Capital Improvement Project highlighted the need to share geographical information between project stakeholders and data custodians. A Mapping/GIS needs assessment was conducted and an implementation plan that included an enterprise solution for twelve business units was developed. This presentation will discuss a methodology for implementing an enterprise GIS, including data modeling workshops, application workshops, end-user workflow analysis, training, project management, and integration with existing systems.

Katherine O'Brien
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Planning and Construction
Giles Horney Bldg CB####1090
Chapel Hill , NC 27599
Phone: 919.843.1872
Fax: 919.962.8199
E-mail: kobrien@fac.unc.edu

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