13° EEUC '98 - Firenze


Antonio Cardona
AMA, Organisation Development Management, Information Systems and Quality - Tel. 51692531, Fax 51692310,

Giovanni Salatino
AMA, Organising Unit and Information Systems - Tel. 51692476, Fax 51692310,


AMA Territorial Information System (SIT) is aimed at the implementation of a system for monitoring and planning waste collection and street clean-up in Rome.
In order to implement this system in a public concern operating in a large and heterogeneous urban area, like Rome, a territorial census is necessary to find all the required information to properly plan the services. Moreover human resources have to be trained to reach the adequate technical and managing standards. Therefore, the activity envisaged in this project is only the first step, in terms of technological upgrading, towards the optimisation and maximisation of city clean-up services.
Consequentely, the main goal is to create a supporting decisional system to help defining political guidelines, operational strategies and service planning and management on site.

AMA Territorial Information System

SIT, which meets the requirements of Azienda Municipale Ambiente (Public concern for the environment) should be able to:

  1. collect geographical and descriptive information easily and efficiently, relying also on software applications to process data and check quality standards;
  2. produce hypotheses and simulations using current GIS software-based patterns, developing tailored patterns, relying on the basic functions of the same GIS software and integrating it with new patterns;
  3. provide easy applications, with user interface and software programs in Italian, structured in user friendly menus to control input parameters in order to reduce errors in operation.

The project for SIT implementation consists of the following steps:

  1. Acquiring computer equipment;
  2. Developing the specific applications;
  3. Training personnel;
  4. Developing application projects;
  5. Developing a strategy for SIT growth and maintenance.

However, SIT data pattern basic elements are its attributes. The main goal of a software application for cartography is to produce maps on paper, while SIT main function is to process data to provide a substantial decisional support.
An interlinked database can be useful to achieve this objective because its structure, if accurately designed, enables the operator to process data according to different themes and paths. Integrating a SIT database with elements coming from other databases, reached via local or geographic networks, connections and SQL structures, provides a complete data pattern necessary to realise an efficient decision-supporting system.
Taking advantage of current DBMS system, SIT hardly affects the existing managing infrastructure, since users need not to learn to use new software applications and at the same time DBMS systems remain a valid investment.

AMA SIT architecture

As it is shown in the above structure, the GIS system plays a joint role, sharing all the information provided by the other systems. This integration process may be quite complex, requiring sometimes geocoding operations - which are dynamically carried out when providing information - or it may require static links. Thus, thanks to this setting for the territorial information system the investments made in the traditional RDBMS systems remain valuable, since they still play a major role in information collection.

Software architecture
This architecture envisages a client-server relationship between geographic bases and between GIS and DBMS systems.

Geographic Server
The geographic server consists basically of the following elements: Arc-Info - geographic system's engine and heart - Database Integrator module – an interface with RDBMS systems - and ANGI (Advanced Network Geographic Interface) – which makes it possible to receive and forward clients' geographic requests.

Database Integrator
Using the Database Integrator module it is possible to integrate DBMS tabular data with the geographic features of a coverage. Interface drivers allow operators to make SQL queries to the major DBMS  systems (ORACLE, INGRES, INFORMIX) with concurrent access.

Arc-Info makes it possible to view, process, handle and send back geographic data simply processing vectorial data and raster images (such as photographic documents or via satellite images), in a single integrated environment. Arc-Info has thousands of sophisticated versatile, even if quite complex, features for mapping, data conversion, space analysis, interactive queries, image editing and address geographical reference. It also provides an interface with the most common interlinked databases and a language (AML) to develop custom software applications.
Arc-info heart is made up of a sophisticated set of tools to insert, modify, handle, manipulate, analyse, display and print geographic data. The available tools provide the following features: logic and space queries, topological overlay, buffer generation, proximity analysis, area analysis, geographic network manipulation and simulation.

Arc-Info is a fundamental but not the sole component, of the Geographic Information System. Since GIS is to be considered as the overall information system. Its geographic component can be considered an upgrading of the traditional DBMS systems. Arc-Info can integrate and process geographic data to be shared by other tools more dedicated to data maintenance and presentation, like Arc-View, in a client-server relationship.
Arc-Info data pattern is geographically related and data are made abstract in an independent series of layers or coverages. Basically Arc-Info data pattern is very simple. It describes geographic characteristics in the abstract using topological elements, such as lines, points and polygons. Each element is associated to a specific set of attributes in the reference tables. Coverages consist of basic vectorial elements, which can represent all the geographic characteristics.

ANGI - Advanced Network Geographic Interface

ANGI is a module connecting Arc-Info as a server and MapObjects or Arc-View as a client to display information.
The following diagram shows the overall architecture:

Geographic Client
The subsystem consists essentially of the Arc-View module interfacing with the geographic server via ANGI client module, and with the DBMS server subsystem connected directly via ODBC or indirectly via the geographic server.


Arc-View key feature lies in its capability to connect tabular data coming from DBMS external to maps, to display, query and organise in space the already existing data. It is equipped with an intuitive interface to connect the geographic view with tabular data, traditional linear, bar and pie charts and iconised images, in order to create a layout page.
It is worth mentioning that Arc-View and Arc-Info combined functions do not collide with the client - server pattern; on the contrary, if well used they improve performance and efficiency, according to an application-partitioning model.

Data integration pattern

GIS system can integrate all data located in the different systems. That is why it is so important to provide a detailed description of its constituent elements.

Street map of the municipality of Rome
The street map of the municipality of Rome makes it possible to handle street network data, in accordance with the encoded form by CEU, municipality of Rome. Street detail level covers a street tract between the starting and the ending house numbers to which the following information are associated:

  • municipal code
  • district
  • territorial division
  • urban area
  • postcode
  • interested blocks
  • census tracts
  • house numbers

One of the most important functions provided by the street map is the possibility of searching the street description just on the basis of the single constituent words.
Other functions enable the operator to find the street detail information, simply starting from the street name and the house number.

StreetNet graphic
Geographic data
Geometrically, the maps consist of a series of arcs associated to alphanumeric data, through which a logic stratification can be made according to the following main themes:

  • street arcs;
  • railways;
  • administrative boundaries;
  • green areas;
  • highly built areas;
  • hydrography.

Note that each street arc stands for a single actual roadway. Therefore, most streets are represented by the centre lines, while streets with separated roadways are represented by several parallel arcs.

Alphanumeric data
StreetNet maps are integrated with a lot of alphanumeric data, which enormously increase the level of information and make them applicable to different contexts.
Each geometric element belonging to a geographic information layer (coverage) is univocally encoded and relates to other descriptive databases. Each geometric element (arcs, nodes, points) belonging to a particular geographic coverage is automatically associated to a table (FAT feature attribute table) and given a univocal identification and topological

The information contained in StreetNet database concerns the following characteristics:

  • street characteristics;
  • street name;
  • function classification (highway, backstreet, etc.);
  • kind of street (roundabout, service, exit);
  • railway;
  • municipal boundaries;
  • water tables divided in classes;
  • flyovers and underpasses;
  • parks;
  • dwelling areas;
  • private streets
  • compulsory directions, no throughfare and one-ways;
  • house numbers (intervals per segment).

Census data
ISTAT (Central Statistics Office) carried out a census aimed at defining the territorial situation in terms of demographic, social and dwelling aspects. The resulting statistic data at municipal and census tract level, are the following:

  • Population (civil status, age, job and economic condition)
  • Families and households (family members, kind of family)
  • Dwelling (occupied, not-occupied, bathrooms present)

together with the following geographic data:

  • Municipal administrative boundaries
  • Inhabited area boundaries (inhabited centres)
  • Census tract boundaries
  • Census tract centroids

These statistic data are fundamental to determine user areas, service quality indexes, or identifiers, and, consequently, to define which decisional supporting tools can improve service planning in terms of efficiency and quality.

Territorial tract census
One of the main goals of SIT is to achieve a basic knowledge of the territory so that collection and clean-up services provided by the concern can be more efficiently planned.
Collected information are partly expressed in terms of quality standards (such as traffic density, tourism, commercial activity and trees), which are very significant for planning working activity (for example, to draft foliage clean-up plans in autumn, or organise night shifts for waste collection in streets with heavy traffic, etc.).
The territory has been divided in territorial tracts characterised by a main street and two intersecting streets (in other words, the tract of a street between two crossroads), which represent the minimum census entity.
The main information collected is the following:

  • roadway length and width;
  • pavement length and width on both sides;
  • kind and size of possible parking areas;
  • presence and size of possible additional areas;
  • traffic density (in quality terms);
  • tourism (in quality terms);
  • commercial activity (in quality terms);
  • tree presence (in quality terms);
  • kind of possible foliage;

Geographic link
A normalisation of all the street names included in the StreetNet system has been necessary to establish a static link between the concern databases connected with the street map of Rome and the geographic information system.
This operation was performed almost automatically:

  • 90% of the streets have been linked to the street map system automatically, using the search street function available in the system;
  • remaining 10% have been linked manually through a guided search procedure realised ad hoc.

The result of this normalisation operation has been permanently stored in "match street" associative table which makes it possible to keep the street map and StreetNet databases separated.
"Match street" associative table does not resolve completely the problem concerning the link between territorial tracts and the corresponding StreetNet arcs, therefore it was necessary to establish a direct link between territorial census data and the corresponding street arcs. This geographic link is extremely simple to perform, in fact after the operator makes a geographic selection of the street arcs corresponding to the census tract, the system will:

  • check that all the arcs belong to the same street;
  • determine the identifier code of the street - which is called "main street" - corresponding to the tract, using "match street" associative table;
  • single out the tract terminator nodes (see the following example, where N1 is the first terminator node and N2 is the second terminator node);
  • determine the arcs linked to the first terminator node (in the example: (1), edgid(8), edgid(5));
  • check the arc list to ascertain that there is no arc belonging to the census tract "main street";
  • determine the identification code of the  "first intersecting street", through the previously described link function;
  • single out the arcs associated to the second terminator node (in the following example, edgid(4), edgid(6), edgid(7) );
  • check the arc list to ascertain that there is no arc belonging to the census tract "main street";
  • determine the identification code of the  "second intersecting street", through the previously described link function;
  • assess the data concerning the territorial tract.

The procedure is shown in the following graphic

Clean-up tract census
The general goal is to achieve a geographic projection of the alphanumeric data describing the clean-up service. This goal is to be intended in its broadest sense: the first step is the implementation of the first data group in AMA Territorial Information System, where further useful information will later be stored to improve and optimise the service.
A good territorial knowledge made it possible to design and develop the adequate tools for service planning and control in terms of:

  • Service frequency
  • Service areas

it is also possible to access linked data regarding:

  • service division
  • garbage bins or containers
  • service shift
  • service mode

Selective collection
The Selective Collection Managing System provides service control, management and optimisation on the territory of the municipality of Rome. The service is co-ordinated by the competent authorities.
To achieve efficient service control and management it is necessary to determine, precisely and in detail container type and location, supplying users with tools to compare the required and the provided services.
The concept of service location has been introduced to define the provided service. A location consists of a group of containers of different types (general, for glass collection, etc.) located in a precise site. The location is identified through the street name and the house number, rather than through the corresponding intersecting streets; however, it can also be identified through the location own code.
The final goal is to achieve properly sized locations, on the basis of the kind of users and location capacity. An adequate container distribution on the territory provides citizens with a more flexible and efficient collection service. Moreover it minimises management costs: in fact an over-sized location slows collection operations and prevents serving other locations, while at an under-sized location the operators have to collect manually the exceeding waste.
Thus the system determines AMA service capacity and provides quality and quantity parameters to establish operation and management indexes.
Moreover the system should provide tools to manage container maintenance and movement operations, creating a data register of the container, but keeping operation data available.
Adequate container management makes it possible to link the data collected during operation (such as waste quantity, service frequency, etc.) with the interested territorial units. In fact, once properly determined where the locations are, it is possible to perform space analyses whose output can serve as a guideline to plan the adequate service control and management operations.
In fact, since the analysis on the quantity of wastes collected can be based on container location, it is possible to carry out a space analysis on the service, taking into account all the features specific to the territory served by AMA, and creating some specialised thematic maps, such as:

  • waste production per type and per territorial area concerned (block, area, district)
  • users per waste type and per territorial area
  • service per waste type and per territorial area
  • gap between the service expected by the client and service performed

Project planning
Project Manager: Ing. SALATINO Giovanni
Client Manager: Ing. MARCOTULLI Angelo
Development: Ing. Dip. DIANO Massimiliano, T.I. FORLITI Stefano, T.I. RE Andrea
System assistance: T.I. FATTORI Fabrizio, T.I. LUCCHETTO Michele

System description


The system, realised at this point of the project, is divided in three subsystems:

  • The territorial tract census system;
  • The clean-up tract census system;
  • The selective collection monitoring system.

The architecture of the GIS system, as described in detail in the previous chapter, enables clients to use the operating environment offered by ArcView, while the geographic and alphanumeric data are provided by the corresponding servers.

Basic functions
All systems provide a set of functions designed to meet some general needs, such as:

  • map navigation;
  • street search and identification;
  • house number detection in a specific street arc.

Using the tool "scegli circoscrizione" (select district), it is possible, by simply clicking a particular district, to dynamically load the corresponding portion of the street graphic.

The "ricerca vie" (search street) button activates a dialog box where the operator can type the description of the street or of a portion of it.
For example, by digiting only the word "BELLONI", a list of the streets containing the same word in their geographic description is displayed.

Once the name of the street the operator wants to search is selected, the system automatically performs these operations:

  • it detects the district where the street is located (if the street goes through more than one district, a list of the districts the operator wants to examine will be available);
  • it displays the map associated to the district selected;
  • it selects the street arcs which compose the street;
  • it reduces the scale at the minimum in order to include the whole street:

Territorial tract census system
The territorial tract census system makes it possible to highlight for each street arc some territorial data, which may be important initially to check and monitor, and later to develop and plan, the collection and clean-up service.
Territorial data are collected by tract, that is the side of a block. Each tract consists of a main street and two intersecting streets. The intersecting street order affects the orientation of the street census. Thus, the left side of the street is identified by looking at the tract from the first intersecting street to the second intersecting street.
Taking into account what has already been said about the street graphic, the territorial tract can consist of more than one street arc.

Once activated, this feature provides the following:

  • it controls the continuity of the selected arcs
  • it verifies that all the arcs belong to the same street
  • it identifies the main street and the intersection streets

If the selected arcs belong to territorial tracts, which are already registered, a selection list is available in order to filter the selection. On the contrary, if some arcs belonging to a territorial tract have been selected, the selection is automatically extended to all arcs.

Once the territorial tract census operation is completed, it is possible to perform thematic studies of some territorial features:

  • tree density;
  • traffic;
  • commercial activity;
  • tourism.

These features are qualitative indicators classified in three categories (A absent, M medium, I intensive):

Tree density study

Commercial activity density study

Traffic study

Clean-up tract census system

The clean-up tract census system can be activated, like the territorial tract census, after the street arcs have been selected.
The smallest unit of the clean-up tract is the territorial tract. This constraint depends on the nee to take advantage directly of the information level provided by the territorial census.
For example, if someone wants to know the clean-up surface covered by a particular division, this can be calculated using the information about the roadway and pavement surface detected by the territorial census and directly linked to the clean-up tract census.
It is possible to directly collect the following data:

Clean-up frequency study

Selective collection monitoring system
The selective collection monitoring system makes it possible to carry out statistical thematic studies in order to assess the progress of the selective collection system. These studies are dynamically prepared by querying the server about the selective collection, so that the server can provide aggregate data per district about:

  • The amount of wastes collected;
  • The number of containers placed;
  • The number of dumping operations performed;

These basic thematic studies can be normalised in order to assess the absolute features in association with other data.

For example, the following thematic studies are available:

  • Average Waste quantity per Container ;
  • Average Waste quantity per Movement;
  • Average Movements per Container;
  • Average Waste quantity per Citizen ;
  • Percentage of Containers over Total;
  • Percentage of Movements over Total;
  • Percentage of Quantities over Total.

Thematic study of the quantity of multi-material collected in a month per district

Thematic study of the number of containers per multi-material per district

Thematic study of the number of movements for the multi-material containers per district

Thematic study of the average quantity of glass collected in a month per container and per district

Thematic study of the average quantity of multi-material collected in a month per citizen and per district

Container location for collection
The system provides some functions to detect container location by street.
The container list for the selective collection is dynamically prepared by querying the selective collection server.
In the following example, after the ‘selezione lista contenitori’ (container list selection) tool has been activated, the system has detected a street arc in Via Mario Musco with the corresponding service features.

Thematic study of container location for multi-material collection

Thematic study of container location for paper collection

Thematic study of container location for glass collection

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