- Achille Cristiana
- Akdogan M.
- Andronico Antonio
- Andreani Gianni
- Andreozzi Gabriele
- Aschauer Rudolf
- Amt der
Steiermärkischen Landesregierung -
Referat für IKT, Stempfergasse 7, A-8010
Graz, Austria, tel (+49)316/877/4282, fax
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Zoning
Plan (IDP 01)
- october, 9
- Astori Bruno
- Balletti Caterina
- Bell Art
- Belogurov Victor
- Berry J.
- Cultural Resources
- Archeological and
Environmental geographic information
system (ID 38)
- october, 8
- Beucan G.
- Biallo Giovanni
- Blongewicz Michael
- Bolter Norbert
- Schmittenstr.
29, A-6700 Bludenz, Austria, tel
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Zoning
Plan (IDP 01)
- october, 9
- Bortone Pietro
- Brady Donald G.
- Bremborg Patrik
- Broccolini
- Brumana Raffaella
- Brumana Raffaella
- Brusotti Paolo
- Byshevskaya Irina
- Caliandro Angelo
- Carapacchio Fabio
- Cardona Antonio
- Carrai Giancarlo
- Catalano Maurizia
- Cavagnoli Marco
- Civita M.V.
- Clotea Ovidiu
- Cova Emanuela
- Covill M.
- Cultural Resources
- Integrated Use of
ArcView and ArcInfo in Cultural Resource
mapping of Pipeline (ID 37)
- october, 8
- Craciunescu V.
- D'Agata Maurizio
- DAmico Fabio
- DAmico O.
- Da Costa
Joăo Ribeiro
- De Maio M.
- De Santis S.
- Del Freo F.
- Cultural and Environmental
- The integration of
Work Flow application Server and
MapObjects for the management of the
trade office in the municipality of
Florence (ID 122)
- october, 8
- Di Vecchia Andrea
- Dinescu F.
- Dudui Sorin
![E.gif (2076 bytes)](../images/E.gif)
- Ernst F.
![F.gif (2053 bytes)](../images/F.gif)
- Fagiuoli Gianluca
- Fanelli D.
- Fano Marco
- Favilli Raffaele
- Ferrara Alessandra
- Basi
Territoriali e Sistema Informativo
Geografico, ISTAT - Istituto Nazionale di
Statistica, Via A. Ravŕ 150, 00142 Roma,
tel (+39-6) 54074399 fax (+39-6) 5943011,
e-mail: ferrara@istat.it
- Internet and GeoData
- The
GeoServe Project (IDP 100)
- october, 8
- Ferrario Paolo
- Ferrero Franco
- Fesenko Nikolay
- Fevang Per Anton
- Filomeno O.
- Fregonese Luigi
- Fregonese Luigi
![G.gif (2127 bytes)](../images/G.gif)
- Galaune Alfredas
- Galetto Riccardo
- Gargano Orietta
- Basi
Territoriali e Sistema Informativo
Geografico, ISTAT - Istituto Nazionale di
Statistica, Via A. Ravŕ 150, 00142 Roma,
tel (+39-6) 54074399 fax (+39-6) 5943011,
e-mail: gargano@istat.it
- Internet and GeoData
- The
GeoServe Project (IDP 100)
- october, 8
- Garnero Gabriele
- Dipartimento
di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria,
Forestale e Ambientale, Facoltŕ di
Agraria, Universitŕ di Torino, Via
Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 10095 GRUGLIASCO
(TO), tel. +39(0)11 6708601, fax,
+39(0)11 6708609, e-mail: topog@aerre.it
- Local Government
- The
conjectural philological survey using
GIS-based tools. A case study: Carignano
(IDP 16)
- october, 9
- Garretti Luigi
- Geiss Erwin
- Giorgi Stefano
- Gissara
- Italy
- Rome and Giubileo 2000
- Territorial
information systems and accomodation plan
for the Giubileo of the year 2000 (ID 72)
- october, 8
- Glushkov Alexandr
- Grattapaglia
- Guerra Francesco
![H.gif (2113 bytes)](../images/H.gif)
- Halleux Isabelle
- Hedegaard Torben
![I.gif (2053 bytes)](../images/I.gif)
- Iacobelli
![I.gif (2053 bytes)](../images/j.gif)
- Janvier Pascale
![R.gif (2076 bytes)](../images/k.gif)
- Karagüllü E.
- Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General
Directorate of Agricultural Research,
Bagdat Cad. Istanbul Yolu No:238, 06171,
P.O. box: 78, Ankara/Turkey, Tel +90 312
3157623, Fax +90 312 3152698
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Information
Technology Management Plan, Database
Design and GIS Application Development
(IDP 93)
- october, 9
- Klichnikov A.A.
- Turkey
- Civil Defence
- GIS to estimate
and prognose the influence of gamma
exposure on human (ID 91)
- october, 8
- Korlat Jadranka
- Kosolapov Sergey
![L.gif (1785 bytes)](../images/L.gif)
- Lavecchia
- La Monica Sandro
- Lihogrud Nikolaj
- Lipiarski Piotr
![M.gif (2117 bytes)](../images/M.gif)
- Madaro A.
- Madigan Colleen A.
- Magagna Claudio
- Manson Paul
- Trimble
Navigation Europe Limited, Trimble House,
Meridian Office Park, Osborn Way, Hook,
Hampshire RG29 9HX, U.K. tel (+44)(0)
1256 746 281 fax (+44)(0) 1256 760 148,
e-mail: paul_manson@trimble.com
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Embeddable
GPS fo Gis Applications (IDP 03)
- october, 9
- Martini Maria
- Martini Maria
- Mastrangelo Valdo
- Mitchell Kirk F.
- Mogorovich Paolo
- Mogorovich Paolo
- Mondini Marco
- Monti Carlo
- Monti Carlo
- Morandini Luca
- Mozgeris Gintautas
- Musone Andrea
![N.gif (2131 bytes)](../images/N.gif)
- Nerilli E.
- Nicolini Rita
![G.gif (2127 bytes)](../images/o.gif)
- Orlandini Endri
- Özbayrak S.
- Özek E.
![P.gif (2082 bytes)](../images/P.gif)
- Paganucci P.
- Palekha Yurij
- Paolella Adriano
- WWF - Italy
- Cultural and Environmental
- Awakeness on
popilation about environmental topics (ID
- october, 8
- Pásztor László
- Pepe Ida
- PeskIrcIoglu M.
- Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General
Directorate of Agricultural Research,
Bagdat Cad. Istanbul Yolu No:238, 06171,
P.O. box: 78, Ankara/Turkey, Tel +90 312
3157623, Fax +90 312 3152698
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Information
Technology Management Plan, Database
Design and GIS Application Development
(IDP 93)
- october, 9
- Petre D.
- Petrov Valery J.
- Pezzuto A.
- Pizzo Pietro
- Porvari Petri
- Pristoleanu N.
![P.gif (2082 bytes)](../images/q.gif)
- Quaglino Enrico
![R.gif (2076 bytes)](../images/R.gif)
- Razvan M.
- Renda Olga
- Renda Olga
- Reitner Heinz
- Richards Tim
- Rusco Ezio
- Ruxandra Filip
![S.gif (2093 bytes)](../images/S.gif)
- Sacchetti Andrea
- Salatino Giovanni
- Salvemini Mauro
- Samarelli Sergio
- Savi Carlo
- Schmidt Val Steven
- Senes Giulio
- Seredynin Eugene
- Severoni Sandro
- Schaller J.
- Schösser Brigitte
- Höttingerstr.
36/33, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, tel
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Zoning
Plan (IDP 01)
- october, 9
- Sherrill D.
- Esri, 380 New
York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-81000,
USA, Tel. +1 909 793 2853, Fax +1 909 793
5953, e-mail: dsherrill@Esri.com
- Cartography, Aerial Photo,
Remote Sensing and GPS
- Information
Technology Management Plan, Database
Design and GIS Application Development
(IDP 93)
- october, 9
- Skog Jim
- Soddu Pierluigi
- Soderberg Mats
- Spalla Anna
- Spalla Anna
- Spanň A.
- United
- Internet and GeoData
- Spatial
Stat Analyst of GIS Data (ID 123)
- october, 9
- Steduto Pasquale
- Sucksdorff Yrjö
- Szabó József
- Teiniranta Riitta
- Tenaglia Paola
- Teruggi Sandro
- Toccolini
- Todorovic Mladen
- Tonveronachi Enio
- Tortorella A.
- Tullner Tibor
- Tullner Tibor
- Turner Simon T. D.
![U.gif (2068 bytes)](../images/u.gif)
- Uberti Ubaldo
- Italy
- Training
- Digital
Cartography production of reference and
school Atlas GIS (IDP 107)
- october, 9
![V.jpg (6110 bytes)](../images/v.gif)
- Van Der Meulen
- Van Der Wielen
- Visser René
- Von Platen F.
- Denmark
- Geology and Pedology
- Production of a
Soilmap of Denmark - why did it take so
long? (ID 120)
- october, 8
![W.jpg (7105 bytes)](../images/w.gif)
- Wang Z.M.
- Belgium
- Environment - Water
- Coupling WetSpass
with ArcInfo (ID 39)
- october, 9
- Colonel
Whittington F.