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Paper  Watershed Topology: The Pfafstetter System
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Jordan Furnans, Francisco Olivera

The Pfafstetter watershed coding system is a simple yet efficient numbering scheme based on topographic control and river network topology. Based solely on the Pfafstetter number, it is possible to determine the hydrologic system topology (i.e., to identify the watersheds located upstream and/or downstream of any given watershed). An application was developed to use the network tracing capabilities of ArcInfo 8 to assign Pfafstetter codes to watershed data sets. This technique was applied to the Hydrologic Units data set for the continental United States. Efficacy of the algorithm was determined through comparison with the NED-H catchment data set, which is numbered using the Pfafstetter scheme.

Jordan Furnans
University of Texas at Austin
J.J.Pickle Research Center
Austin, TX 78712

Phone: 512-471-3131