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Tactical Crime Analysis Using ArcView
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Sean M. Bair

The Crime Mapping and Analysis Program will present "Tactical Crime Analysis Using ArcView." The presentation will cover methods for performing tactical crime analysis using ArcView GIS 3.2.

Participants will be given a conceptual framework for tactical crime analysis, discuss alternative map layers and data to incorporate into a tactical analysis, and be shown several GIS methods and practices to analyze the sample series. Point symbol or "pin mapping", proportional symbol mapping, Jennrich-Turner Ellipse, as well as polyline to point file techniques will be shown and explained in an attempt to determine the "hunting ground," develop possible suspects or investigative leads, and predict future targets spatially and temporally.

Sean Bair will present the material. Mr. Bair is the program manager for the Crime Mapping & Analysis Program as well as a former police officer and crime analyst for the Tempe Police Department.

Sean M. Bair
National Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology Center
2050 E. Iliff Ave.
Denver, CO 80208

Phone: 303-871-3851
Fax: 303-871-2500