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Indexing of Point Features to the NHD for Hydrologic Modeling
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Budhendra Bhaduri, Phil Coleman, William Hargrove

Inclusion of point features (lakes, dams, monitoring/sampling stations) and their positional accuracy will have significant impact on successful utilization of the National Hydrographic Database (NHD) in hydrologic modeling exercises. This project attempts to index Community Water System (CWS) intake locations and the National Inventory of Dams (NID) to the NHD. A vastly automated assignment tool has been developed, which utilizes an algorithm to identify and assign individual CWS locations to appropriate NHD reaches. This paper will describe the development, implementation, and results of the model developed to georeference point features to the NHD.

Budhendra Bhaduri
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008 MS 6237
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6237

Phone: (865) 241 9272
Fax: (865) 241 6261