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Do-It-Yourself Hazard Mitigation: Clackamas County, Oregon
Track: Federal Government Systems
Author(s): Eric Bohard

Through multijurisdictional, multi-State cooperation, Clackamas County, Oregon, along with GeoNorth, Inc., a FEMA Project Impact Partner, is developing an Internet-based ArcIMS application to allow any user to find
their property, display where natural hazards exist in and around their property, then link to expert sources to get the information on how to mitigate against these hazards. This service will offer users the ability to research mitigation solutions, and educate themselves on risks that affect their life and property and what to do in the event of a disaster.

Eric Bohard
Clackamas County, Oregon
121 Library Court
Oregon City, OR 97045

Phone: 503-723-4814