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Paper  Redrawing Council Districts in Greensboro, NC
Track: Census
Author(s): Stephen Sherman

The release of the 2000 census population counts (P.L. 74-191) obliged Greensboro, North Carolina (population 200,000) to redraw its council district boundaries to rebalance the population within each district. This paper addresses (a) the development of a MapObjects-based application used by staff and legislators to analyze various districting scenarios; (b) our enhancements to the TIGER file, allowing us to integrate our own local GIS data sets; (c) the role played by GIS in preparation of the DOJ preclearance submission; and (d) some general observations of what went well and what could have gone better.

Stephen Sherman
City of Greensboro
300 W. Washington Street
Greensboro, NC 27402

Phone: 336 373 4503
Fax: 336 335 6496