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Converting Business Applications from ArcView GIS 3.x to ArcView 8.1: "Problems and Prospects"
Track: Business, Banking, and Insurance
Author(s): Brady Foust

This presentation discusses some of the problems and prospects of converting business applications from ArcView 3.x (Avenue code) to ArcView 8.1 (Visual Basic code). It is focused on site location and gravity models originally developed by Matrix Research, LLC, for a specialty shopping center client. We have found ArcView 8.1 to be a much more robust, flexible, and visually appealing software platform, but the migration from ArcView GIS 3.x is not without problems and pitfalls. Specific topics include wizard design, distance calculations, and the process of feeding spatial data to Excel spreadsheets.

Brady Foust
Matrix Research, LLC
3504 Damon Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Phone: 715-497-8181
Fax: 715-835-6430