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American Community Survey Data for Community Planning
Track: Census
Author(s): Colleen Flannery

Planners in American Community Survey (ACS) development sites are using ACS data and GIS software to identify and address community issues ranging from health care to public safety. The currency of ACS data, as well as the level of detail provided by this source of sociodemographic information, are vital to addressing community needs. We present an overview of our applications, many of which are based on the use of ACS data and GIS software, to highlight how the Census Bureau’s newest data collection program will enhance the ability of communities to design intervention and service programs to address critical needs related to their populations.

Colleen Flannery
U.S. Census Bureau
Room 3015
Washington, DC 20233-0800

Phone: (301) 457-3109
Fax: (301) 457-2778