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Riparian Corridor Rapid Assessment Technique for Large Lowland Rivers of Puget Sound
Track: Ecology, Archaeology, and Conservation
Author(s): John Wocker Small

Stream restoration strategy is now based largely on understanding the complex relationships of spatial and temporal patterns across the landscape. The developing concepts of landscape ecology and succession have led to increasingly sophisticated analysis of restoration strategy. Techniques for analyzing fluvial dynamics, riparian corridors, and catchment structures must be developed to keep pace with the changes in our understanding of the structure and processes of landscapes. This riparian corridor assessment technique was developed to provide a relatively rapid and inexpensive method for identifying riparian corridor restoration sites and goals. It is intended to be used as part of a larger study of the restoration needs in the channel, in the floodplain, and across the entire catchment. This technique relies on relatively common existing data sets and analysis of videotape recorded specifically for analyzing the conditions of the riparian corridor. The results of this effort are useful in moving the selection of restoration sites beyond ad hoc methods.

John Wocker Small
Anchor Environmental L.L.C.
1411 4th Avenue
Suite 1210
Seattle, WA 98101

Phone: 206.287.9130
Fax: 206.287.9131