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Digital Orthophotography: An Analysis of New Technology
Track: New Technology and Technology Integration
Author(s): Keith A. Fournier

High-resolution digital orthophotography derived from film is presently the dominant raw image acquisition method for local governments. Continuous improvements on film aerial cameras with the integration of newer technologies have contributed to better image quality at lower costs. Some drawbacks to digital orthophotography include narrow acquisition windows and long delivery cycles. Some new technologies in digital orthoimage acquisition include digital aerial photography cameras and high-resolution one-meter raster satellite imagery. This comparative research outlines a case study from the Lucas County Auditor's GIS Division in Toledo, Ohio, for updating high-accuracy and high-resolution imagery.

Keith A. Fournier
Lucas County Auditor's Office
One Government Center
Suite 770
Toledo, OH 43604

Phone: 419-213-4875
Fax: 419-213-4417