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Paper  Applying Standard Software Development Practices to Geographic Information Systems
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Chuck Bridgman

Treating GIS as IS. As the GIS industry matures and more organizations move from a data focus to an applications focus, the importance of successful GIS software development grows. This paper presents the importance of utilizing IS tools, resources, and methodologies during the development of GIS projects. Several development tools including Requirements, Lifecycle Models, Risk Management, and Change Order Processes will be reviewed. Specific applications of these tools to GIS projects will be discussed. This paper can serve as a toolkit for GIS project managers, allowing them to reference and link to numerous resources, organizations, and publications providing information about IS development tools.

Chuck Bridgman
TDC Group Inc.
211 South Main St
Suite 220
Dayton, OH 45406

Phone: 937-461-2000 ex
Fax: 937-461-2150