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Sacramento Capital Improvement Program on the Web
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Maria MacGunigal, Dave Bishop, Dennis Ybarra, Steve Gay, Yabin Su

The City of Sacramento Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a five-year expenditure plan, that provides the City with a financial strategy for its infrastructure and facility needs. CIP is a key part of the City's financial plan to achieve a sustainable budget to support City services. Publishing CIP information on the Web utilizing Esri's ArcIMS Internet mapping technology and other Internet technologies makes accessing CIP information and visualizing the locations of CIP projects via the internet possible. This application serves as an information inquiry tool for the general public as well as a spatial analysis tool for City staff to support a variety of tasks.

Maria MacGunigal
City of Sacramento
1000 I Street, Suite 120
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916)264-5966
Fax: (916)264-7970