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Web-Based Public Record Retrieval and Viewing System
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Gary Zhang

This paper describes the methodology in building a web-based public records retrieval and viewing system using Esri's ArcIMS. Many local governments (counties and cities) possess large amount of public records, including parcel maps, tract maps, record of survey maps, as-built drawings, etc. Users such as Surveyors and Engineers typically need to travel to the record room and use very cumbersome methods to search for the right records. A web-based solution using ArcIMS allows the users to search for the records via the internet very efficiently. The process involves scanning the records into Tiff images, geo-referencing images to corresponding positions in a digital landbase and make them web accessible through ArcIMS. Many issues including efficient document searching approaches, on-line plotting, document security, response time improvement will be addressed through a case study.

Gary Zhang
MRF Geosystems Corporation
Suite 700,
665 - 8th Street, S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3K7

Phone: (403) 680-1807
Fax: (403) 216-5518