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Chicago Police Department's Citizen ICAM
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Jonathan H. Lewin

Citizen ICAM (Information Collection for Automated Mapping) is the Chicago Police Department's Internet crime mapping application. It allows citizens to view neighborhood crime. Citizen ICAM includes a mapping function that shows crime locations along with schools, parks, waterways, and transit lines. Crimes can also be viewed in a chart or a table. Parents can assess school safety by searching within a radius of any selected school and can plan safe passage routes for students. Citizen ICAM strengthens Chicago's community-policing partnership by helping to focus citizens on problems. The application has received more than 250,000 hits in a one-month period.

Jonathan H. Lewin
Chicago Police Department
3510 S. Michigan Ave.
Unit 127
Chicago, IL 60653

Phone: 312-745-6071
Fax: 312-745-6932