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Analyzing with Discretion: Point, Polygon, and Field Methods for Crime Analysis
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Dan Helms

Crime analysts studying the spatial attributes of criminal activity typically use any of three techniques to analyze the distribution of crime: pin maps, choropleths, and risk surfaces. Each of these methods has strengths and weaknesses. Rather than concentrating on one "preferred" method, analysts should combine and contrast results from each method to derive superior models. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each spatial scheme, addressing common concerns and mistakes. We will provide step-by-step methodologies for ArcView-driven units to perform each type of analysis in an error-free manner with complete confidence and comprehension of each step of the process.

Dan Helms
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
400 E Stewart Av
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Phone: (702) 229-4077
Fax: (702) 386-6941