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Paper  The National Pipeline Mapping System: A Decision Support Tool
Track: Pipeline Transmission
Author(s): Samuel Hall

The USDOT Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) has partnered with other federal and state agencies and the pipeline industry to design and cost-effectively build a National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS). The NPMS is operational and consists of a single National Repository and 15 state repositories. The NPMS depicts the location of the natural gas transmission pipelines, hazardous liquid trunk lines, and liquefied natural gas facilities operating in the United States. The system is being used by OPS as a decision support tool for emergency planning, inspection planning, and determining where additional precautions are needed to protect people and the environment.

Samuel Hall
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 7th St. SW
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-6267
Fax: (202) 366-4566