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The Challenge of Maintaining State Transportation Basemaps
Track: Transportation and Logistics
Author(s): Teague Buchanan

This paper describes the challenges and obstacles faced by the Georgia Department of Transportation to maintain the accuracy, currency, and completeness of statewide transportation GIS databases. The road centerline database is maintained through the use of public/private partnerships in GPS data collection, imagery collection, and data sharing. Issues faced in accessing, utilizing, and integrating transportation data from multiple sources to develop a single GIS database is illustrated through three data development projects. The results and lessons of implementing a statewide GPS road centerline collection contract with 12 Regional Development Centers covering 149 counties is discussed. A historical outline of the issues faced in developing and using imagery for road centerline data development and quality control is presented. Lastly, the progress of implementing a transportation data sharing and coordination model with local governments within a 10 county Atlanta metro area is analyzed for its utility for statewide implementation.

Teague Buchanan
Georgia Department of Transportation
North Annex
5025 New Peachtree Road
Chamblee, GA 30341

Phone: (770) 986-1364
Fax: (770) 986-1056