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Developing and Hosting a Web GIS System for the Puget Sound Regional Council's Transportation Improvement Program
Track: Transportation and Logistics
Author(s): Todd Slind, Troy Marsh, Greg Cioc

This presentation will provide a outline of the methodology used to develop an software implementation plan and provide a demonstration of a prototype application for a Web-based transportation improvement program (TIP) GIS that brings together an array of spatial and tabular data into a distributed, browser-based interface. The Web GIS was designed to provide much of the functionality availed by desktop GIS systems including spatial and tabular queries and buffer selection. The presentation will include identification of the challenges and opportunities encountered in the effort and the innovations used to achieve solutions.

Todd Slind
777 108th Avenue NE
Suite 800
Bellevue, WA 98004-5118

Phone: (425) 453-5000
Fax: (425) 468-3100