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Paper  Road Map Through Migrating Data from CAD to ArcFM GIS
Track: System Implementation for GIS
Author(s): Xiaodong Hong

To improve efficiency of emergency response and facility management, many utility companies choose to implement ArcFM GIS. Based on the experience of designing and implementing an ArcFM GIS for Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCo), in Washington D.C. , this paper provides a road map through implementation of an enterprisewide GIS by using technologies built on ArcInfo 8 (geodatabase, ArcFM, and ArcSDE). The paper summarizes the implementation process in four phases: data model design, building a geodatabase into a multiuser GIS, converting CAD data to a geodatabase, and maintaining data in GIS. Major roadblocks related to each phase are identified, and alternative solutions are provided.

Xiaodong Hong
InfoTech Enterprises, Inc.
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