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ArcIMS Applied to the BLM's Aerial Photography Program
Track: Metadata and Data Publishing
Author(s): Mattye Walsworth

This paper/poster will present the use of ArcIMS to aid in managing the BLM's (Oregon/Washington Office) Aerial Photo Indexes. The BLM's cyclical aerial photography program works as a rotating project between five districts in western Oregon. Flights are also flown upon request in eastern Oregon. We have created a digital database of the areas including flightlines and photo centers. Using ArcIMS allows both internal and external customers access to the air photo database online through a nice visual map display. By using ArcIMS, we are able to generate a representative flight pattern for customers interested in purchasing photos. BLM employees, as well as the public, can utilize the tools of ArcIMS and the photo index map to determine the extent of the coverage and the exact photos they need. Flights from the past will also be obtainable online to help people wishing to compare such things as the same areas at different times. Displaying Aerial Photo maps online through ArcIMS is a quick and easy resource for accessing information about available photos.

Mattye Walsworth
Bureau of Land Management
1515 SW Fifth Ave.
PO Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208

Phone: 503-952-6412
Fax: 503-952-6422