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Remote Sensing and GIS Tools for Mitigation of Pierce's Disease
Track: Agriculture
Author(s): Mark Stephen Servilla

The following paper describes a Web-based model for the analysis and distribution of digital imagery and the exchange of geospatial data to assist in mitigation in California of Pierce's disease, a bacterial infection that has a significantly high mortality rate in grapevines. The disease stems from the presence of Xylella fastidiosa, a bacterium that is commonly transmitted by the "Glassy-winged sharp shooter" (Homalodisca coagulata), a small flying insect that was first observed in California in 1990. The integration of online analysis of digital imagery with a Web-enabled GIS can provide an effective and inexpensive geospatial solution to direct eradication efforts.

Mark Stephen Servilla
EarthScan Network Incorporated
6565 Americas Parkway, Ste 660
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Phone: 505-830-0957
Fax: 505-888-2878