AbstractGIS Tools for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation Planning Track: Ecology, Archaeology, and Conservation Author(s): Tom FitzHugh The Nature Conservancy's Freshwater Initiative uses GIS to classify stream and lake habitats and to evaluate the quality of potential aquatic conservation sites. A set of GIS tools has been developed to generate attributes of streams and lakes, such as size, gradient, and flow connectivity, and catchment area characteristics such as distribution of land cover, road density, and number of upstream dams. The tools currently function in Microsoft Access (in Visual Basic) and ArcInfo (in AML) using EPA's RF3 hydrographic data set, but they will be modified to work within ArcInfo and ArcView 8 (in Visual Basic) using the National Hydrography Dataset. Tom FitzHugh The Nature Conservancy 8 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 2301 Chicago, IL 60603 USA Phone: 312-759-8017 Fax: 312-759-8409 E-mail: tfitzhugh@tnc.org |