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Different Expectation of Snow Thickness and Avalanche Return Period: GIS-based Mapping Experience
Track: Ski/Avalanche
Author(s): Felix Israelevich Pertziger, Elena Glebovna Kakurina, Andrey Valentinovich

Information on different expectations of snow cover thickness is part of data input in the design of any structure. One also has to know how often an avalanches affect the site. Proper estimations are of utmost importance as they affect both safety and cost of ski lifts, power lines etc. The maps of snow thickness and avalanche prone areas were developed for Chimgan valley. One is a very popular recreation area for residents of the country capital.
ArcView® GIS (Spatial Analyst, Hydrologic Modelling), Microsoft® Excel and Visual Basic were intensively used.
The study was granted by State Committee of Science and Technology.

Felix Israelevich Pertziger
Central Asian Research Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology (SANIGNI)
K.Makhsumova str. 72, Taskent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, 700052
Republic of Uzbekistan

Phone: 998-712-211403
Fax: 998-71-1332025