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GIS as a Decision Making Support Tool for Urban Environmental Planning and Management: A Practical Case of Tanzania
Track: Environment Management
Author(s): Alphonce Thomas Kyariga

This paper presents the use of GIS as a decision-making support tool in urban environmental planning and management with Tanzanian urban authorities. The paper explores the information requirements by different user groups and/or levels of urban authorities in their day-to-day planning and management activities. It looks at both spatial and nonspatial data/information as crucial elements in guiding a sustainable urban growth and development process as well as in the implementation of physical development plans. It further looks at the application of GIS in the whole process of urban information management (collection, storage, analysis, retrieval, and presentation) in the context of strategic urban planning. It then concludes by looking at the difficulties faced in the quest for trying to exploit the availability of this technology and its capabilities.

Alphonce Thomas Kyariga
Urban Authorities Support Unit
P.0.Box 78353
Dar-es-salaam, Dar-sa-salaam Dar
Tanzania- East Africa

Phone: 255-022-110513
Fax: 255-022-114014