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Correlation of Stream Adjacent Land Cover to the Frequency of Bankfull Flow
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Franziska Whelan

The frequency of recurrence of bankfull discharge indicates the risk of flooding. This study analyzes the relationship between bankfull discharge recurrence interval and land use/land cover in riparian buffers in Pacific Northwest watersheds. This study further introduces an index expressing land cover/runoff relationships. Bankfull discharge recurrence intervals were determined from field data and stream flow records collected for 71 streams in the Pacific Northwest. The Hydrologic Modeling extension to ArcView Spatial Analyst was used for watershed delineation. ArcView GIS and ArcInfo were also utilized for USGS digital elevation model and land use/land cover data processing and analysis.

Franziska Whelan
University of Bamberg, Germany
c/o Whelan, CMR 415, Box 3334
APO AE, 09114

Phone: 01149-9641-836