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Paper  Making Transitions in Enterprise GIS: City of Indianapolis/Marion County, Indiana
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): David P. Mockert

The City of Indianapolis/Marion County GIS Division has gone through a series of changes over the past year. In today's environment change is inevitable in any organization. Managing a GIS for a large municipal government involves transformations on many different levels including software architecture, data, hardware, and organizational changes. The purpose of this paper is to relate lessons learned at the City of Indianapolis/Marion County in transitioning from a decentralized group to a centralized GIS team. Included will be a discussion of transitioning from a desktop-supported GIS platform (ArcView) to a Web-based (ArcIMS) solution for internal GIS users.

David P. Mockert
City of Indianapolis
200 E. Washington Street
Suite 2441
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3307

Phone: 317 327-4663
Fax: 317 327-4954