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Informing Drunk Driving Interdiction Efforts Using GIS: An Applied Technique
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Elizabeth Ruth Groff, Robert Langworthy, Matt Giblin

This research addresses two chronic issues for police managers, the efficient deployment of human resources and the eduction of loss of life and property related to drunk driving. By examining the spatial overlap between DWI enforcement activity and alcohol related traffic crashes we can provide police managers with important information about whether they are allocating their resources effectively. Our intent is twofold: 1) develop a methodology for comparing the locus of
enforcement activity to the locus of problems; 2) apply this method of analysis to the drunk driving problem in Anchorage, Alaska.

Elizabeth Ruth Groff
National Institute of Justice
810 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20531

Phone: 202.305.3301
Fax: 202.616.0275