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Paper  GIS Modeling a Facilities Plan: Welcome to the Next Level
Track: Water Distribution, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Sean Christian

This paper demonstrates how GIS technology was used to address the impacts of growth on the regional sewer collection system in the Santa Clarita Valley. With population doubling over the next 20 years, mostly from large master-planned developments, use of traditional methods for determining impacts is nearly impossible. A much more dynamic and responsive system was necessary in order to plan for future needs of the system. Through a collaborative GIS effort with local jurisdictions and developers in the valley, GIS technology has proven to be an essential tool in developing a master sewer plan for this regional system.

Sean Christian
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
1955 Workman Mill Rd
Whittier, CA 92683

Phone: (562) 699-7411,
Fax: (562) 695-1874