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Economical but Effective GIS Solutions for Sanitary Systems
Track: Water Distribution, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Robert M. Rowe

This paper will demonstrate how Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc. (HRG) utilizes cheaper economical means to build GIS systems for sanitary sewers. We will demonstrate how small municipalities with limited budgets can acquire GIS and develop a GIS system that accurately depicts their needs. We will discuss how one municipality decided that they could not spend thousands of dollars on a GIS system. HRG was able to assist them in the development of their system by using a handheld GPS unit for data collection in addition to air photography. This community now has an accurate basemap along with an accurate map of their sanitary sewer system.

Robert M. Rowe
Herbert Rowland & Grubic Inc.
474 Windmere Dr.
Suite 100
State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-238-7117
Fax: 814-238-7126