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Empowering Citizens: Providing Drinking Water Data on the Web
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Steve Leibenguth, David G. Jennings, Craig Erickson

The federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires states to provide all interested persons with the results of drinking water source assessments. Washington State is using GIS data and an ArcIMS Internet application to provide data to a variety of stakeholders and interested parties. Information on wellhead protection areas, drinking water watersheds and their relative risk from potential contamination, plus many individual potential contaminant sources can be displayed and queried against. By making this data readily available over the Internet, it is hoped that better-informed decisions will be made at the local level when future zoning/development changes are being considered.

Steve Leibenguth
Washington State Dept. of Health
POB 47849
Olympia, WA 98504-7849

Phone: 360-236-3148
Fax: 360-236-2254